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 23 May 2024
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JERSEY – 24th-26TH JUNE 2011
(Click on thumbnails for larger images)

"Abbey Road" BCB embarks from Poole
Snoozing peacefully
on the ferry
How to scare a small
child on a ferry...

John and Helen
Brenda regains some colour after the crossing
Sax quartet off for a short gig on arrival Hotel de Normandie Chris, Sally and Marion
on the sands
The seawater lido - not as warm as it looks
Cold early morning swim in the seawater lido Mont Orgueil Castle Mont Orgueil Castle
Town of Gorey, seen from Mont Orgueil
Watching a Musket demonstration Don't forget to cover
your ears
Our own Musketeer
Anya in the stocks On the keep of the castle Spectacular beach at St Brelade's Bay
Lunch in the Crab Shack
A wander along the beach BCB on stage at
Jersey Arts Centre
We are expected . . . On the bandstand at Howard Davis Park
(note the BCB Blue walls)
Sax Soliloquy "The Thinker"   The Jersey Guide
(with answers)

Thanks to Graeme, Gill, Marion, James and Sheila for the use of their photos.

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