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 23 May 2024
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BELGIUM – 30th APRIL - 2nd MAY 2004
(Click on thumbnails for larger images)

A welcome cup of tea (or beer!) after the journey The hotel pool. Ann's dip was too quick to photograph! The Cathedral, Antwerp A typical cobbled street in Antwerp
Antwerp in the rain Waiting for the
first Belgium beer!
Roger addresses the bands at the group dinner The main square, Brussels
The Town Hall, Brussels
“Mannekin Pis”, Brussels Rehearsing in the church Steve’s solo from the pulpit
Esther addresses the enthusiastic audience The formal concert How many climbed the 366 steps to the top of the Belfry in Bruges?
Bruges town square
The view from the brewery
Admiring the beer! The brewery meal The brewery meal
Esther conducts in Bruges
town square
Playing in Bruges
town square
Roger takes over the
baton in Bruges
Some of the large appreciative audience
Enjoying a snack
after the concert!
And finally . . . a Belgium chocolate waffle!    

Thanks to Natalie and Sheila for the use of their photos

Bourne and Bagshot Bands in Belgium (Press Release)


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