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 23 May 2024
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DERBY – 28TH-30TH JUNE 2013
(Click on thumbnails for larger images)

At Chatsworth House . . .
George and his girls
at Chatsworth
Don, searching for the piano in Chatsworth House Don, having found the piano The pensive clarinettist


Martin: Oboist in
black & white
Small drummer inspects large chandelier
Angela: Three peas
in a pod...

Back at the Hotel (Jury's Inn, Derby)


  Guido, Bob, Linda & Linda: ready to set off for the NMA
Dan, this is what 25 more years in IT will do to you...
 Armed Forces Day at the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA)
Brenda struggling to put her trousers on Roy helps Brenda to get dressed
Helen and John Sue at the NMA
Chris Howard, at your service "You'd never know its a wig, would you?" Setting up at the NMA (actually, discussing the range of Uniforms on display)
John and Chris - pensive
at the memorial
Beer break: Chris,
Graham, Gill, John
The usual suspects: Dan, Alan & Guido
At the Denby Pottery Visitor Centre


Packed crowds at Denby pottery - barely anywhere for the band to sit and have a cup of tea Dan, practicing whilst we hang the banners out on the line to dry Steve, Dan & Guido at Denby Pottery
At Larkhill Retirement Village
Oboe the lonely... Setting up in the hall Emily and John Trumpeteers Alan downs a glass of vodka before Caroline realises its not water
Coach Trip Home




Always the sign of a good weekend away...      

Thanks to Graeme and Marion  for the use of their photos.

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